インフォームドコンセント FD258

インフォームドコンセント FD258

FD-258FBI 指紋カード作成に伴う同意書
FD-258 FBI Ten-Print Card Consent Form(Request for LiveScan Service)

本同意書では、当社が提供する FD-258 FBI 指紋カード作成につきまして、重要事項の説明をいたします。記載内容を十分にご理解い
This consent form describes important matters with regards to the FD-258 FBI Ten-Print Card/LiveScan service provided by the Company.
Please read it fully and understand the following terms and conditions. After reading the consent form, kindly fill out the application form “A”.

重要事項説明 / Terms and Conditions

FD-258 FBI 指紋カード作成について / About the FD-258 FBI Ten-Print Card/LiveScan service

1. 本業務について、当社担当者より十分な説明を受け、また申込者は十分に検討した上で弊社に FD-258 FBI 指紋カード作成を
The FD-258 FBI Ten-Print Card/LiveScan service shall be explained to the applicant by the collector/operator. Once the applicant
understands and agrees, payment of fee shall be made and the service shall be carried out.
2. 申込者は本業務を依頼するにあたり、提出先へは自己の責任で事前に確認をしてください。当社では、提出先への採用の可否
In order to apply for this service, the applicant shall be responsible for confirming the qualification/submission of the FD-258 FBI
Ten-Print Card/LiveScan in the receiving agency/country, as the Company cannot guarantee its admissibility. Moreover, if the
applicant is a minor, the application and consent form shall be filled out and signed by the legal guardian or a lawyer.
3. 本業務の受付時に提示した指紋カードの提出期限は、作成工程により延長される場合があるため、指紋カードの提出期限に対
The Company cannot guarantee the date when the final output will be released. Unavoidable factors such as the unexpected
extension of the creation/compilation process should be considered.
4. 本件業務について、個人を特定できる情報を除き、当社に著作権が帰属します。
Any output from this service is copyrighted and exclusively owned by the Company, except the applicant’s identification and

本業務の申込みとキャンセルについて / Application and Cancellation

1. 本業務は、費用の支払いをもって正式に申込み完了となります。
The Company requires the applicant to settle the payment first, read the consent form, and complete the application form before
the FD-258 FBI Ten-Print Card/LiveScan service officially begins.
2. FD-258 FBI 指紋カード作成のご予約は、お支払い後の受付けとなります。
The Company shall schedule the FD-258 FBI Ten-Print Card/LiveScan service once the payment is settled.
3. ご入金後の申込者からのキャンセルの申し出は、その理由を問わず一切の返金はなされません。尚、業務及び指紋カードの提
Once the payment has been settled, no refund shall be made when cancellation of the service is requested regardless of any
reason. No refund is also made in cases where there is a delay in the release of results.
4. 業務の態様・試料の関係などに虚偽の申告があった場合(但し、虚偽ではなく錯誤の場合はこの限りではありません)、申込者
In cases where a.) any kind of false information is given, b.) the applicant and/or agency is involved with organized crime groups,
extreme terrorist groups, and similar associations/businesses, or c.) the Company recognizes that the mutual trust with the
applicant has been compromised, the Company shall immediately cancel the service. In whichever case, no refund shall be

個人情報等の取り扱いについて / Handling of Personal Information

1. 本業務の内容について、依頼者の個人情報など一切の情報は、第三者に開示されません。但し裁判所、政府および政府機関か
Any information, such as the applicant’s personal information and fingerprint data, shall not be disclosed to third parties. However,
in the case of disclosing information based upon lawful order of the court or tribunal, the applicant will be notified.
2. 本業務に起因する紛争に関し、訴訟を提起する必要が生じたときには、当社の所在地を管轄する地方(簡易)裁判所を第一審
Any action arising out of or relating to this service provided by the Company must be filed in the court in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo,
Japan (district court/summary court), which shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute to the Company.

本業務の事業者について / About the Company

Company Name
Analysis Laboratory of Forensic Science, Inc.
東京都小金井市梶野町 5-9-5 フォレンジック・スクエア東京ビル
5-9-5 Kajino-cho, Koganei-city, Tokyo, Japan
Contact Number

免責事項 / Disclaimer

The applicant shall take full responsibility for any damages and losses that the Company will incur in case a dispute arises out of or
relating to this service. In addition, the Company shall not be liable for any damages that will be caused by the output of this service.