![Henry Lee’s Crime Scene Handbook](https://alfs-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/9780080507989-1.jpg)
Henry Lee’s Crime Scene Handbook
科学捜査を行うために最も詳細で、正式な「ハウツーもの」! Drヘンリー・リーのCrime Scene Handbookは、 捜査官が事件現場で行う、正確な物的証拠の収集方法、 各証拠の分析方法、証拠が物語る事件への関連性を考察する方法、 実際の事件で立証された方法を概説します。
この科学捜査的手法に必要とされる要素の説明には、何十枚ものカラー写真、 ロジック・ツリー、チェック・リスト、ワークシート、ケーススタディ、関係者名簿、 など様々な資料を掲載し解り易く解説しています。
この書は、彼と共著者が実際の事件現場で50年以上に渡り経験した集大成であり、 実施した科学的捜査手法をまとめたものです。
それぞれの違う現場状況で、考え方、立証の方法など 様々な場面で、参照出来るようにしてあります。
著者:Henry C Lee ヘンリー リー
台湾出身 (現アメリカ在住)
元コネチカット州・法科学研究所 所長
ニューヘブン大学・法科学部門 教授
ニューヨーク大学メディカル・センター 研究者
関連ページ→ こちら ←
Henry Lee’s Crime Scene Handbook outlines proven methods to help you collect and process physical evidence correctly, analyze it thoroughly, and understand its relevance to the case involved.
It evaluates the newest chemical and instrumental techniques, and covers new areas such as forensic analysis of computers and advanced shooting scene reconstruction methods.
This “must-have” guide is enhanced with dozens of color photographs, logic trees, check lists, worksheets, case studies, lists of suppliers, and more.
Henry Lee has consulted on thousands of criminal cases around the world and is highly sought after to help solve difficult cases. Now he and his co-authors share more than 50 years of combined experience in this systematic approach to crime scene processing.
It provides the information you need for initial training, to take with you in the field, and to refer to again and again during the course of each investigation.
* Presents a unique, systematic approach to crime scene processing
* Covers in detail how to manage a crime scene, collect information, search for, collect, and preserve physical evidence, conduct field tests, and reconstruct a sequence of events
* Describes how to use the latest chemical and instrumental techniques for each kind of crime scene
* Outlines common problems and provides clear recommendations for overcoming them * Includes logic trees, checklists, and worksheets that help investigators evaluate the evidence in specific types of crimes
Crime scene specialists, police officers and investigators, forensic scientists, fire investigators, lawyers, students in related fields, crime reporters, and serious “crime buffs.”
General Crime Scene Considerations Elements of Crime Scene Management General Crime Scene Procedures Crime Scene Documentation Searching for Physical Evidence Collection and Preservation of Physical Evidence Logic Trees Field Tests and Enhancement Reagents Special Scene Techniques Crime Scene Reconstruction Appendix I: Crime Scene Investigation Equipment Inventory Appendix II: Game Plan for Processing Appendix III: Resources and Supplies Appendix IV: Bibliography Case Study 1: Partial Reconstruction Case Study 2: Complete Reconstruction Case Study 3: Limited Reconstruction Index